How to Use The Wax Melts?

Using wax melts is simple and can add a lovely fragrance to your home. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

What You Need:

  • Wax Melts
  • Wax Melt Warmer (either electric or tea light-based)


  1. Set Up the Warmer:
    • Electric Warmer: Plug it in and turn it on.
    • Tea Light Warmer: Place a tea light candle underneath the warmer.
  2. Place Wax Melt in the Dish:
    • Break off a portion of the wax melt (most wax melts come in cubes or blocks) and place it in the dish of the warmer.
    • Don’t overfill the dish—just one or two cubes will be enough to start.
  3. Turn On the Warmer:
    • If using an electric warmer, turn it on. If using a tea light warmer, light the candle.
    • As the warmer heats up, the wax will begin to melt, releasing the fragrance into the air.
  4. Enjoy the Scent:
    • The scent will fill the room as the wax melts. You can adjust the amount of wax used if you want a stronger or milder scent.
  5. Turn Off the Warmer:
    • When you’re done or the fragrance starts to fade, turn off the warmer or blow out the tea light. The wax will harden as it cools and can be reused until the scent is completely gone.
  6. Cleaning the Warmer:
    • Once the wax no longer releases fragrance, let it harden and remove it from the dish. You can either scoop it out with a tool or place the dish in the freezer for a few minutes to pop out the wax.

Would you like tips on cleaning wax melts or choosing scents?

How Do We Change the wax melts?

Changing wax melts is easy once the fragrance has faded or you want to switch scents. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Let the Wax Cool and Harden:

  • Turn off the warmer and let the wax cool and harden in the dish.

2. Remove the Hardened Wax:

Method 1: Freezing the Wax

  • Place the dish with the hardened wax in the freezer for about 10–15 minutes.
  • Once cold, the wax will shrink slightly, making it easy to pop out in one solid piece.

Method 2: Softening the Wax

  • Turn the warmer on for a few minutes to slightly soften the wax, making it easier to remove.
  • Use a paper towel, cotton balls, or a spatula to scoop out the softened wax.

Method 3: Cotton Ball Absorption

  • While the wax is still in liquid form (after turning off the warmer), place cotton balls or paper towels into the melted wax.
  • They will absorb the wax, and you can then dispose of them.

3. Clean the Dish (Optional):

  • Wipe the dish with a paper towel or cotton pad to clean any residue before adding a new wax melt.
  • If there’s any stubborn residue, warm the dish slightly and clean it with soapy water (for removable dishes).

4. Add New Wax Melts:

  • Once the dish is clean and ready, simply add the new wax melt of your choice and repeat the process of melting and enjoying the fragrance.

These methods are safe and ensure your wax melt warmer stays clean for future use. Would you like tips on specific wax melt scents to try?

Can You Mix Different Wax Melts in Your Diffuser?

Yes, you can mix different wax melts in your diffuser to create custom scents! This can be a fun way to experiment with fragrance combinations and tailor the scent to your personal preferences. Here’s how to do it:

How to Mix Wax Melts:

  1. Choose Complementary Scents:
    • Start by selecting wax melts that have complementary or harmonious fragrance notes. For example, you might mix:
      • Vanilla with cinnamon for a warm, cozy scent.
      • Lavender with eucalyptus for a soothing, spa-like aroma.
      • Citrus with floral for a fresh and uplifting fragrance.
  2. Use Small Portions:
    • Break off a small piece of each wax melt, about half a cube or less, and place them together in the warmer’s dish. This will allow the scents to blend without being too overpowering.
  3. Experiment and Adjust:
    • You can experiment with different ratios (e.g., more of one scent, less of another) to achieve the perfect blend.
    • Start with a small amount of each wax so that if the blend is too strong or doesn’t work, it’s easier to change.
  4. Mix Melts from the Same Brand (Optional):
    • Sometimes mixing wax melts from the same brand can yield better results, as they may be designed to blend well together. However, mixing from different brands can also work, just be mindful of any differences in melting points.

Important Considerations:

  • Balance of Scents: Some scents can be quite strong, so balance more intense fragrances (like cinnamon or patchouli) with lighter ones (like vanilla or citrus).
  • Cleaning Between Mixes: If you want to switch back to a single scent or try a new combination, it’s best to remove the old wax and clean the dish to avoid leftover fragrances blending with the new wax.

Creating your own scent blends can add a personalized touch to your space. Would you like suggestions for specific fragrance combinations to try?

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